Today I went with my cousins to the Centre Pompidou- Metz, a modern art museum in Metz. The expositions change about every couple of months, so there is always something new. I saw the following exhibitions: Parade- an expositon on a ballet that Jean Cocteau, Erik Satie, Pablo Picasso and Léonide Massine created together, Une brève histoire des lignes- an exposition on lines in contemporary art, and Sol LeWitt. Dessins muraux de 1968 à 2007- an exposition that displays the impressive wall designs of the American artist Sol LeWitt.
Here are some pictures from the museum:
Centre Pompidou- Metz
Parade- The rideau (curtain) that Picasso painted for the ballet.
Une brève histoire des lignes
Sol LeWitt. Dessins muraux de 1968 à 2007
You definitely have to appreciate modern art to enjoy the museum since most of the art is very minimalist and abstract.
In other news- I'm heading south this weekend for the Nice Carnaval!
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