Friday, April 12, 2013

Sortie à l'opéra

This week was my last time with the second graders. I am so impressed with the English language development of these students after only two years of studying the language, and I hope they continue to read and bring English books to school! The language focus this week was the 5W question words: Who? What? When? Where? Why? To help students use these words, I projected a picture of the inside of a house (complete with people doing household activities in various rooms and animals) and had students come to the board for a dialogue- posing and responding to questions using the words: who, what, where. After asking questions about the house, I projected a calendar filled with events to assist students in understanding the use of "when" in a question.

Today I went on a field trip with the first graders to the Opéra national de Lorraine. We saw a small concert of Vivaldi's Quatre Saisons (Four Seasons) with other elementary schools in Nancy. The concert was in small pieces, so that the presenter could explain to the students what parts represented what season. The students were surprisingly well-behaved during the concert because it was interactive, but walking back to school after the trip was another story. Who would want to go back to school after going to the opera?

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