Sunday, December 16, 2012


This weekend I visited a friend in the Stuttgart area of Allemagne (Germany). I got to try the local Swabian cuisine, including spätzle (pasta dish with cheese sauce), schupfnudel (potato-based noodle served with mushroom sauce), and of course- pretzels! Yum!

Considering I was only in Germany for the weekend, I got to see many sites:
  • Esslingen am Neckar- A town famous for its Christmas market that includes a medieval-themed market. Workers dress up in period costumes, and visitors can buy medieval-inspired crafts, make their own candles, and try archery. 
  • Burg Hohenzollern- A beautiful château (castle) near the Schwäbische Alb mountain range. It is still privately owned and displays the only remaining Prussian crown that is fully intact.

  • Tübingen- I got to see this beautiful town at night with its vibrant Christmas market.

 What a weekend! Looking forward to heading home for the holidays!

Joyeuses fêtes! Happy Holidays!

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