Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Le Printemps du Cinéma

From last Sunday to today, there was a special cinema event throughout France called Le Printemps du Cinéma (The Spring of Cinema). This event happens every year in the spring. During this time, it only cost 3.50 € to see most movies at participating theaters. Needless to say, I took advantage of this offer since it normally costs around 7 € for students to see a movie, and I saw Lincoln, the recent Steven Spielberg movie. Since the film has been out for some time, I could only see it in a small theater and in English (which I didn't mind of course). I definitely recommend the movie for history buffs!

Some interesting tidbits about French movie theaters:
  • Butter or salted popcorn is not sold at movie theaters. If movie theaters sell popcorn, they will only have sweet popcorn. From my understanding, most European movie theaters will only sell sweet popcorn as well.
  • If you want to see a foreign movie in its original version (with French subtitles of course), you will have to go to smaller theaters. I have found that these small theaters are easy to find in Nancy, which I commend because it is more difficult to find theaters that play the original version of foreign films in the U.S. As to be expected in major theaters, foreign films are dubbed in French.

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